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Telehealth Alaska | Stellar Insight Counseling Online Services

Online Therapist, Alaska

Do you need mental health support but can’t make it to an in-person appointment? 

Do you live in a rural area?

Are you a busy stay-at-home or working parent, and don’t have the time to drive across town for an appointment?

Perhaps you prefer online appointments?

white keyboard and mouse on white desk. Online counseling therapist Alaska anxiety grief CBT Stellar Insight Counseling

If so, Stellar Insight Counseling may be a good fit.

Telehealth appointments can be beneficial if getting to a traditional in-person appointment is not convenient, or you simply just don’t want to.


My name is Nicole, and I'm a pre-licensed telehealth therapist in Alaska.

I provide counseling services out of a private office in my home using a HIPAA compliant platform to offer virtual individual and group psychotherapy.

vibrant monstera plant leaves. Online therapy services Alaska therapist for anxiety depression life transitions grief.

Our sessions will be secure and confidential (aside from my HIPAA compliant pets who may be near by).

You are encouraged to show up to sessions however you feel the most comfortable: wear what you want,  don't turn on the camera if you aren't feeling it, use curse words if you got 'em, or use the support of your pets to help during difficult sessions.

vibrant and colorful walkway arch. online therapist counseling services Anchorage, Alaska

My practice focuses on supporting adult Alaskans who are struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and the impacts of chronic illness

Read more about my work with clients here

Whether we have online therapy sessions from your favorite couch, the kitchen table, or in between work or picking up the kids, telehealth is a convenient way to prioritize your well-being and connect with a mental health professional. 

If you are unsure if you prefer therapy appointments in-person or online, check out this page: How to Find a Therapist (How to Start Therapy).

If you are ready for change: Let's talk! Contact me for an appointment here